Are you unsure whether it's best to use plastic or wooden frames?
Have some "old and experienced" beekeepers told you that plastic frames don't get good results?
Well, think again! It's definitely about time to modernise beekeeping and plastic frames are very much the way forward.
Plastic frames are much simpler to use than wooden frames and are totally reusable, as they can be easily sterilised by boiling, allowing them to be used again, and again, and again...!
Not only this, but because plastic frames can be easily sterilised, they are absolutely the way forward in fighting diseases which affect honeybees. And due to their long-wearing nature, are also exceptionally environmentally friendly.
This video shows you step-by-step how to assemble and use a plastic frame for use in your honey bee hive.
Plastic frames are ideal for making delicious cut comb, and as you will see at the end of the video - they get amazing results. Simply click below to view.
How to make Cut Comb using Plastic Frames - A Cornwall Honey Video Tutorial